30th September 2020
Drawing on the rich information shared in our interviews, focus groups, Q-PROMPPT Blog and wider PROMPPT community (PPI and stakeholder groups) we are developing the PROMPPT pain review and associated clinical pharmacist training package.
“I think the patient with life experience is one of the best tools a clinician has in his bag! It’s not a GP telling them you must stop your meds, or a physio telling you to exercise. But a real person who has just been through everything”
Q-PROMPPT Blog participant (male)
Members of our PPI group and Q-PROMPPT participants told us it’s important to hear stories from others who are living with pain and have experiences of taking regular opioids.
“recovery stories are few and far between so hearing from anyone is beautiful”
Q-PROMPPT Blog participant (female)
As part of the PROMPPT programme we are pleased to support the development of Live Well With Pain‘s latest video of Louise Trewern’s inspirational story of living with pain. We are excited to share Louise’s video below. A link to Louise’s video will also be shared with everyone who attends a PROMPPT review as part of the patient resources.